Do you have an idea that could help transform the way Limerick uses energy? Open Innovation Call #2 is focused on generating and supporting new ideas that contribute to an ambitious ongoing goal for the city: creating a positive energy district, a compact area that actually produces more renewable energy than it consumes.
This goal is the work of the +CityxChange Project, which organises the Open Innovation Calls. These Calls are a way for members of the public to join the work of the project, by demonstrating ideas, pilot projects and prototypes that can be tested in real-life settings in Limerick. Open Innovation Call #2 is focused on software-based projects that could improve how homes, businesses and residents use energy – making energy use simpler, more accessible, and more streamlined.
Citizens, makers, creatives, startups, businesses and other stakeholders are welcome to apply for funding and get involved. Eligible projects could include using sensors and data to understand energy use, empowering communities to take control of their energy, visualising financial cases for community grids and renewable energy cooperatives, and other innovations that support communities to take an active part in the energy transition.
Applications to the Open Innovation Call will be open in January 2021. An Information Session and Matchmaking Event will also take place. Details to be announced soon.
Please email cityxchange@limerick.ie to register your interest or to ask questions.