The deliverable 9.1, Framework for intra-project collaboration, was submitted by NTNU in February 2019. Following, the executive summary of the deliverable:...
The deliverable 9.2, Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, Including Study Visits and Peer to Peer Workshops, was submitted by NTNU in April...
The deliverable 9.6, Storytelling workshops, inviting other LHCs and FCs 1, was submitted by ISOCARP in October 2019. Following, the executive...
The deliverable 9.4, Report on Intra-Project Collaboration Including Study Visits and Peer-to-Peer Workshops, was submitted by NTNU in October 2019. Following, the executive...
The deliverable 9.5, Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 2, was submitted by NTNU in October 2019....
This report (Deliverable 9.7) provides an overview of the study visits, peer-to-peer workshops, and other intra-project learning activities performed by the Lighthouse and Follower Cities in +CityxChange, between 1 November 2019 and 30 April 2020 (i.e., Months 13-18 of the +CityxChange project).
+CityxChange actively pursues synergies with other relevant EU platforms and projects, facilitating collaboration and exchanging good practices.
The deliverable 9.9, Report on Intra-Project Collaboration Including Study Visits and Peer-to-Peer Workshops 4, was submitted by NTNU in December...
The deliverable 1.2: Report on the Architecture for the ICT Ecosystem was submitted by NTNU, UL & Lero with contributions...
The deliverable D9.14: Report on Intra-Project Collaboration Including Study Visits and Peer-to-Peer Workshops 6 was submitted by the Norwegian University...
The deliverable D9.17: Report on Intra-Project Collaboration Including Study Visits and Peer-to-Peer Workshops 7 was submitted by NTNU with contributions...