The deliverable 7.1, Approach and Methodology for Monitoring and Evaluation, was submitted by Future Analytics Consulting in June 2019 and revised...
The deliverable 7.4, Monitoring and Evaluation Dashboard, was submitted by Future Analytics Consulting (FAC) in October 2019. Following, the executive...
The deliverable 7.5, Data Collection and Management Guideline Report, was submitted by Future Analytics Consulting (FAC) in October 2019. Following,...
The deliverable 7.6, Reporting to the SCIS System (2), was submitted by Future Analytics Consulting (FAC) in October 2019. Following,...
The deliverable 7.7, Reporting to the SCIS System (3), was submitted by Future Analytics Consulting (FAC) in June 2020. Following,...
The deliverable D7.13: Reporting to the SCIS System 7 was submitted by KPMG Future Analytics with contributions from LCCC, MPOWER...
The deliverable D7.15: Reporting to the SCIS System 8 was submitted by KOMG FA in June 2023 with contributions from LCCC,...
The deliverable D7.18 Reporting to the SCIS system 10 was submitted by KPMG FA in November 2023 with contributions from...
The deliverable D7.17: Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 5 was submitted by KPMG FA in November 2023 with contributions...