july, 2020
202016jul09:0013:30REMOURBAN - Final Conference09:00 - 13:30 CEST

Event Details
The final conference will be the opportunity for the consortium to come together one more time (albeit virtually) to portray the legacy of this major 5-year Lighthouse project, including the project's sustainable
Event Details
The final conference will be the opportunity for the consortium to come together one more time (albeit virtually) to portray the legacy of this major 5-year Lighthouse project, including the project’s sustainable urban regeneration model. It will mark the end of the project and the beginning of a new era of urban regeneration, more ecological, more citizen-centred and more intelligent in approach.
We will walk you through our actions and achievements in the three Lighthouse cities, Nottingham, Eskişehir/Tepebaşı and Valladolid while looking ahead to how all this can shape our urban and environmental policymaking in the years to come.
The event will be virtual. It will feature keynote speeches and panel discussions, bringing together representatives of fellow projects, key European stakeholders and policymakers from the different European and Turkish cities that have participated in the project.
Click here to register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3272993635999198734
(Thursday) 09:00 - 13:30