The deliverable D7.18 Reporting to the SCIS system 10 was submitted by KPMG FA in November 2023 with contributions from LCCC, TK, R2M, OV, UL and NTNU. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:
“This is the final report of the Monitoring and Evaluation process at the end of the 5 years of the +CityxChange project. In this report, WP7 describes the work that has been completed in the project and reports on the progress that the partners have made towards the goals of the project and the impact on their cities and organisations.
In Section 2, WP7 reports on the progress of the KPIs and the impact that it has had on the cities. In a short summary, +CxC has been successful in achieving many of its Planning and Community goals, impacting the cities in varied positive ways, such as new technology integration, improvement of community engagement and encouraging future generations. The project faced challenges in completing the Common Energy market KPIs for some cities, however there were significant steps forward in renewable energy development, innovative technologies and the development of the Local Flexibility Market (LFM) as key touchstones of the project. However, all Demo projects could be shown to work in at least one city, and many were realised in many of the 7 cities.
Alongside the analysis of KPI data to highlight work carried out and achieved by the partners and reporting of data to the MERT, WP7 submitted the Building Estimate Specification Table (BEST) tables prepared by the Lighthouse Cities to the Smart Cities Marketplace – Self Reporting Tool (SCM-SRT). These tasks were both completed in M60; to fully report all collected data.
During the reporting period (M54-M60), WP7 completed reporting of the KPI data to the internal monitoring system of the Monitoring and Evaluation Reporting Tool (MERT)1 and
visualisations. This data collection and reporting was enabled through KPI workshops with KPI owners which also discussed the key findings and lessons learned from the work carried out by partners which informed the recommendations present in this document and D7.17 and Section 1.2 which highlights the final impact achievement of each KPI and includes a critical reflection by KPI owners on the work carried out processes that were involved in achieving the KPI.”