D9.26: Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 10

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The deliverable D9.26: Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 10 was submitted by NTNU in November 2023 with contributions from R2M and all other beneficiaries. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“+Cityxchange collaborates with other EU platforms, projects and initiatives to facilitate and exchange good practices. This report provides an overview of of the participation of +CityxChange and partners in events organised by Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse (SSC) projects, their Board of Coordinators and Task Groups, the Scalable Cities secretariat, the Smart Cities Marketplace (SCM), the EU Cities Mission, the NetZeroCities Platform, New European Bauhaus, and the EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities from May 2023 to October 2023 (M55-M60).

This report is part of Work Package 9 “Inter-Project Collaboration and Clustering” connected to +CityxChange task 9.2 on Extra-Project Cooperation through other SCC01 projects and EU platforms, in Work Package 9 “Inter-Project Collaboration and Clustering”. This report compliments Deliverable D9.23 “Report on Intra-Project Collaboration Including Study Visits and Peer to Peer Workshops 9”.”

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