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Bold City Vision (BCV)

In the +CityxChange project, the Bold City Vision (BCV) Framework helps cities identify and address key opportunities and actions on...

Citizen Energy Community (CEC)

A Citizen Energy Community (CEC) is a voluntary legal not-for-profit entity established at a local level for the purpose of...


+CityxChange (Positive City Exchange) is a Horizon 2020 research and innovation smart city project, where cities experiment to integrate smart...

Citizen Participation Playbook

The Citizen Participation Playbook is a catalog of practices to empower communities to contribute to the Positive Energy transition. It...

Community Grid

A Community Grid is a local electrical grid owned collaboratively by local consumers and prosumers, allowing them to trade energy...

Decision Support Tool (DST)

In the +CityxChange Project, an Integrated Modelling and Decision Support Tool (DST) analyses energy use at building level; power and...

DPEB Innovation Lab

In the +CityxChange project, a DPEB Innovation Lab is a dedicated center for digital innovation within a city. Data and...

e-mobility platform

An e-mobility platform is a group of technologies that provide an environment where applications and services can be built and...

e-Mobility-as-a-Service (eMaaS)

e-Mobility-as-a-Service (eMaaS) is similar to MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service), with focus on sustainable mobility services using electric vehicles, e-bikes, and other eco-friendly...

Energy sharing

Energy sharing involves a ‘local grid balancing tool’, a software that simulates energy load/ flow in the local grid, and...

Energy Community

An Energy Community is a legal entity where citizens, SMEs and local authorities come together, as final users of energy,...

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency means eliminating energy waste by reducing the amount of energy required to provide products and services. As an...

Energy Trading

Energy trading, in the context of the  ‘Common EU energy market’, means local energy producers and prosumers can trade energy.


Energy Service Companies (ESCO) are businesses providing energy solutions including designs and implementation of energy savings projects, energy conservation, energy...

Flexibility Trading

Flexibility trading means swapping energy, capacity and system services products in a local market. It can be understood as shifting...

Innovation Playground

In the +CityxChange project, an Innovation Playground is an area of a city where different virtual and physical places and...

Local Energy Market

A Local Energy Market is a transparent market accessible for all appropriately metered assets – independent of size – within...

Micro Generation

Micro Generation involves small-scale production of energy for local consumers via technology such as solar panels, “miniwind” turbines, or other...

Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) enables transport from A to B utilizing either public transport, personal transport by shared cars/EVs and/or bikes/EBikes, or...

Positive Energy Balance

A Positive Energy Balance is possible where the annual energy production within an area is greater than the energy consumed...

Positive Energy Block (PEB)

A Positive Energy Block (PEB) is a compact area which over a year produces more energy than it consumes. It...

Positive Energy Champions

Positive Energy Champions are individuals who embrace Positive Energy Concepts, take Positive Energy Actions and foster Positive Energy Communities by...

Positive Energy City

Based on the definition of a Positive Energy Block (PEB) or District (PED), a Positive Energy City is one where...

Positive Energy Districts (PED)

A Positive Energy District (PED) can, according to the SET-Plan Action no. 3.2, be defined as the following. It should...


A Prosumer is an energy consumer who also locally generates renewable energy which is sold to the market when they...

Regulatory Sandbox

In the +CityxChange project, a Regulatory Sandbox is a process towards the local, national or European regulatory authorities in order...

Renewable Energy Community (REC)

A Renewable Energy Community (arising out of the recast Renewables Directive (EU) 2018/2001) is a legal entity involved in renewable...

Renewable Energy Systems (RES)

Renewable energy systems are technologies that produce energy through the use of renewable sources which are constantly replenished, such as...

Renovation and Retrofit

Renovation and retrofit measures can be seen as the addition or replacement of existing features and technologies of a building...


REScoop is short for renewable energy cooperative, and refers to a business model where citizens jointly own and participate in...

SLU (Smart Link Units)

SLU (Smart Link Units) are a specific type of small scaled Digital Electricity Meter (Smart Meter).

Smart City

A Smart City is a place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient with the use of digital...

Smart Grid

A Smart Grid is an electricity network based on digital technology that is used to supply electricity to consumers via...

Smart Meter

A Smart Meter sends readings to your energy supplier automatically at regular intervals, resulting in more accurate billing and fewer...