+CityxChange presented at 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress

At the 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Dirk Ahlers from +CityxChange and Mark van Wees from ATELIER presented at a special session organized by ISOCARP Institute on Pathways from Positive Energy Districts to Climate Neutral Cities. During the presentations we discussed innovation management and stakeholder engagement, and how to scale up PEBs to achieve multi-level impact.

We also had the opportunity to share a Case Study on Systemic City Transformations through Positive Energy Districts. presented by Taliah Dommerholt. During the presentation, she introduced +CityxChange and its approach to the localized energy transition, with a specific focus on the development and role of Bold City Visions in identifying key opportunities for action.

Both events were followed by fruitful discussions, and we are looking forward to next year!

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