ERRIN Smart Cities Working Group Meeting, Brussels

ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network) had invited for a workshop of their Smart Cities Working Group around the key topics of the two new Lighthouse Projects, titled Smart Cities WG Meeting: Latest developments on PEDs and the future of Smart Cities.

As the main contribution, the two new Lighthouse Projects funded through the H2020 SCC1 calls for 2018 were presented. Both +CityxChange and MAKING-CITY presented their project with presentations from their respective coordinators and cities. For +CityxChange, the Project Manager from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the Lighthouse City Manager for Trondheim Municipality held a joint presentation, titled +CityxChange – Developing a Lighthouse Project for Positive Energy Districts, on the approaches of the project and the background and motivation for the application process, highlighting the city needs, co-creation of a project proposal, and implications for collaboration. MAKING-CITY was represented by its Project Coordinator CARTIF, the Lighthouse City of Groningen, and the Follower City of Bassano del Grappa.

There were four breakout discussion sessions on the topics of PEB/PEDs, Citizen Engagement, Follower cities, and Scaling up, financing and dissemination. The PEB/PED sessions were co-moderated by CARTIF and NTNU, the Citizen Engagement sessions were co-moderated by the City of Groningen and Trondheim Municipality.

The details and the presentations are available from the event page.

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