Day: August 28, 2019

Futurum Exhibition on The City of the Future at the NTNU Big Challenge Science Festival

+CityxChange has participated with a booth on “Smart Energy Positive Cities” at the Futurum Science Exhibition. The project participated in a joint exhibition on the topic of Future Cities together with the FME ZEN project on Zero Emission City Districts, also coordinated by NTNU.

The joint booth allowed us to show the individual overall project goals, but also demonstrate to the local public the interventions along Trondheim’s Knowledge Axis, including the areas of Brattøra, Gløshaugen Campus, and Sluppen. 

The Futurum exhibition is part of the NTNU Big Challenge Science Festival, from 16 to 19 June 2019. It presents challenges within the topics of: Food of the Future, Sustainable Lifestyle, The City of the Future, and Climate Changes and Energy Systems. It was targeted at children and youth, visitors and citizens of all ages from the whole city and region.

There were various stands which engaged participation from the public and especially children. Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th children and school classes were specially invited. During the whole exhibit, concerts and talks were held in the concert hall as part of Big Challenge. Aside many international and national speakers, +CityxChange coordinator Annemie Wyckmans talked about “Empowering people in smart sustainable cities”.

The +CityxChange stand presented the overall project and the specific demonstrations in Trondheim, and what it would mean for the involved cities. It showed a large-scale interactive digital map, posters, and videos. These included interviews of local partners and young citizens of Trondheim and an animation of the growth of Positive Energy Blocks as the main innovation of +CityxChange. School classes were specifically invited to the exhibition, and the projects held special interaction sessions for children to develop their wishes for the future city. Master students from NTNU assisted in the stand and worked throughout the whole festival.

Check out the Full Programme.