+CityxChange presented at 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress

On Wednesday, November 10th at the 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Dirk Ahlers (Project Manager of +CityxChange) presented the +CityxChange project at a special session organized by ISOCARP Institute on Innovative Solutions for Climate Resilient Cities and Communities. 

The format of the session combines a panel discussion with an interactive exercise: a World Café. This will promote cross-learning and knowledge transfer between participants and speakers. The panelists were made up three EU Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects that presented insights on how innovative solutions for climate-resilient were explored and developed in their respective cities and communities 

The +CityxChange project presented by Dirk Ahlers spoke on the various aspects of project such as the pilot cities, key objectives and the vast operational network. Furthermore, the presentation focused on the development of the Bold City Visions within the project where vision documents concerning the promotion of positive energy communities and transition to renewable energy were developed with each pilot city to operate as a strategic document in their urban development programs. 

The project is honored to be part of this fruitful discussion and exchange amongst like-minded professionals, researchers, and fellow EU Horizon projects. 

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