+Limerick Citizen’s Innovation Lab

Co- creating the future we want to live in.

The +Limerick Citizen’s Innovation Lab is a new way of engaging members of the public, groups and organisations in helping to create Limerick’s future.

Based in the old Dunnes Stores building on Sarsfield Street in the heart of Limerick City Centre, the Innovation Lab will provide a physical and digital space where citizens can work collaboratively with the local authority, University of Limerick and other interested stakeholders to develop solutions focused on the energy transition, climate action and sustainability.

Public consultation events, meetings, mapping, co-creation workshops, open innovation projects and do-it-together projects will happen in the space which is divided into three distinct areas.

The Space includes;

  • FABLAB – supported by UL, the FabLab is a digital fabrication laboratory that offers cultural, educational and research programmes
  • Citizen’s Observatory – a place physical and digital space that enables citizens to offer to utilise data to co-design solutions together.
  • Community Engagement Hub – a space for public participation and citizen engagement.  A space to ‘Co- create the future we want to live in’

The +Limerick Citizen’s Innovation Lab is in partnership with the University of Limerick as part of the Horizon 2020 +CityxChange Project

Coming soon. Watch this space!

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