DP07 connects buildings or resource owners who wish to participate in the Community Grid and are able to offer production of energy, and/or flexibility from their production or consumption. The Community Grid shows how a distributed positive energy block (DPEB) can enable demand response, balance and optimise energy, ensure disturbance-neutrality, shift loads, and shave peaks. This will enable the DPEB to maximise the available renewable energy production while creating a market for energy trading and flexibility.
Microgrids are designed to provide resilience, i.e. islanding which allows for fast recovery in the event of a black-out or other disturbance event. In order for a microgrid to operate, all buildings within its boundary must be connected to the microgrid. As connection to the microgrid is typically not voluntary, this raises a question regarding replicability and scalability of the microgrid.
The +CityxChange Community Grid can address this problem. The +CityxChange Community Grid is a group of grid-connected electrical resources, within a clearly defined electrical boundary in the distribution system (e.g. sub-station), with a single defined logical connection point to the grid. The main advantage of the +CityxChange Community Grid approach is that although the Community Grid is limited to a defined electrical boundary, participation within that boundary is voluntary. As such, the Community Grid can begin with a small number of building/asset owners and expand and evolve over time.