D9.24 : +CityxChange storytelling workshops, inviting other LHCs and FCs 5

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The deliverable D9.24 : +CityxChange storytelling workshops, inviting other LHCs and FCs 5 was submitted by ISOCARP in October 2023 with contributions from NTNU, LCCC, TK, MAI, SB, MP, SMO, VORU. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This report is the final update describing the results from storytelling workshops where LHCs and FCs exchanged trial-and-error experiences on how to create robust support among local politicians and stakeholders, connect with inhabitants, create justifiable impacts, manage complex projects across divergent interests, goals, and needs, build targeted networks locally and internationally, support capacity and assess strengths and weaknesses, mobilise demonstration and research partners, develop IPR agreements, distribute responsibilities, create the right storyline, vision and profile for their city, develop transition pathways, and arrange successful partner workshops to develop their replication and implementation work.

The Storytelling Workshops are an integral part of the knowledge development and exchange in- and outside the +CityxChange project and are embedded in Work Package 9 – Intra-Project Collaboration and Clustering. The deliverable is contributing to Task 9.3: Extra-Project Cooperation with existing LHCs and FCs through clustering events run by +CityxChange consortium, focusing on the exchange with other Lighthouse and Follower Cities. Led by ISOCARP Institute, the Storytelling Workshops are jointly organised with the Work Package Lead, NTNU, as well as the +CityxChange cities. To ensure an active exchange with other stakeholders and SCC-01 projects, representatives of the projects are invited to the Workshops.

This deliverable describes the approach for the Storytelling Workshops in +CityxChange and reports on the final series of Storytelling Workshops in the last project year, which occurred during the four Learning Sessions held in Sestao, Alba Iulia, Smolyan and Võru from March 2023 – September 2023. It is the fifth of five annual reports on Storytelling Workshops. In this report, we discuss the process of narrative construction and its role in communicating the experiences of the +CxC cities. The results of these sessions informed the design of the +CityxChange cookbook and the production of multimedia stories displayed in an open exhibition at the Final Conference in Trondheim. In the exhibition each city demonstrated how they have used storytelling methodologies to share their challenges and successes of the project, and share these stories with the wider community of practice and public.”

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