The deliverable 1.3: Report and catalogue on the ICT data integration and interoperability was submitted by the University of Limerick (UL), with contributions from NTNU, LCCC, TK, IESRD, POW, FAC, TE, ABB, ATB, ABG, ESB, 4C, MPOWER, SE,
COL, and IOTA in April 2021. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable at the end for download:
”This deliverable D1.3 is part of Task 1.2: ‘Data Integration and Interoperability for the ICT Ecosystem’ within WP1– ‘Integrated Planning and Design’ of the +CityxChange project.
The results presented in this report summarize the approach and achievements within the project to ensure data interoperability within a complex ICT ecosystem. The results have been developed in collaboration with partners and related ICT development tasks within the +CityxChange project. We have built on the Enterprise Architecture Framework (EAF) and ICT Ecosystem approach, detailed in Deliverable D1.2: Report on the Architecture for the ICT ecosystem. The results here specifically complement that enterprise architecture in order to ensure data integration and interoperability of ICT systems and services, including software platforms and tools, data repositories, and IoT devices. This report provides an overview of data integration challenges in the smart city domain including standards, data models, guidelines, APIs, etc.. The developed approach and lightweight data integration and interoperability framework DIIF aim to ensure agreement on open standards between service providers involved in demo projects for interoperability and support data flow between partners and demos. We document the interoperability work done between partners, the API management approach, and API catalog. To secure distributed data integration between various services in the ICT ecosystem, the potential of using IOTA and other Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) as a mechanism for data transfer was examined.
This report addresses the data integration and interoperability goals of +CityxChange, through developing a lightweight +CityxChange Data Integration and Interoperability Framework. It specifically addressed two aspects (i) the Interoperability aspect under the Data Perspective, dealing with the general interoperability requirements and processes; and (ii) the DataxChange and Data Processing layers of the ecosystem, dealing with the overall data storage and exchange and its use in the data processing layer. The report concludes with a summary of lessons learnt that provide a valuable resource for replication within the +CityxChange project, application to other cities, and further research.”