D3.4: Framework for DPEB Learning and Education

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The deliverable 3.4,  Framework for DPEB Learning and Education, was submitted by University of Limerick, in October 2020. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable at the end for download:

”This report includes a presentation of the Framework for DPEB Learning and Education and of the related section on the +CityxChange website  (connected to Task 3.3). After a brief introduction presenting the task and the deliverable based on the DoA and the shared understanding of the partners involved (Chapter 1), the report presents the context of the report.

The context chapter (Chapter 2) examines previous work in this area (academic literature, context and lessons learned from other EU projects, and situates the task in the context of orientations for the future of learning issued by international organisations.   It also presents the current situation in the LHCs and FCs and explains the role of the task and deliverable within the project.

Further, in Chapter 3, the concept of DPEB Learning and Education framework is introduced, together with a summary of the steps taken for developing it. The literature review undertaken showed the importance of learning and education in the context of smart cities and unveiled a whole series of existing resources on energy matters that were developed by previous EU or national projects. The conclusion was that while content is widely accessible in a variety of languages, recent thinking on future education (OECD, 2018)  includes attitudes and values, besides knowledge and skills. Also, the principles of long term engagement, bidirectional learning and Universal Design for Learning heavily influenced our approach.

The Framework for DPEB Learning and Education developed is a research-informed model comprising a set of principles, accompanied by a  portfolio of learning activities, including descriptions and links to original and existing content, adapted for different age groups, backgrounds and types of situations.

The development of the concept for the learning framework for DPEB learning and education took place iteratively. The initial explorations led to the conclusion that due to the variety of circumstances, organisational and educational system particularities, no general model could be imposed on all cities involved. The initial data collection aimed to identify past learning activities organised and citizen groups the participant cities collaborated with. Data analysis showed that some of these activities work best if integrated into existing events, like festivals, exhibitions and conferences. Also, rapid access to actionable information was strongly favoured over a static report. The structure of the current report and the prototype of the additional website section proposed were presented and discussed with representatives of NTNU, LHCs and FCs over the course of several meetings.

Chapter 4 presents the main functionalities of the website section proposed. The functionalities aim to: (1) explain the role of the Learning Portfolio as part of the Framework for DPEB Learning and Education (About), (2) the city Learning Strategy concept (Planning), (3) offer a magazine-style portfolio format, allowing users to search for learning activities that could serve as inspiration for their own events (Adapting), (4) collecting contributions facilitating the upload of information on past learning activities to the website (Contributing); (5)browsing through categories of learning activities (Index) and (6) sharing links to DPEB-related learning content (Resources).

Chapter 5 includes conclusions and recommendations. The two components of the Framework,  the current report, and a dedicated section of the +CityxChange website are reiterated. Among the recommendations included, the most important reference to developing a city learning strategy for medium-term, involving representatives of the target groups in the design of events and learning resources, and using learning activities as opportunities for creating lasting relationships and bidirectional communication channels.

Chapter 6 is dedicated to the next steps to be taken and links to the work packages and tasks where the DPEB Learning and Education will be implemented by the LHCs and the FCs  (T4.3 for Limerick, T5.5 for Trondheim, and T6.3 for the Follower Cities).

The last chapter (Chapter 7), includes a summary and recommendations for both LCs and FCs.”

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