D4.13: Limerick Energy Trading Market – Implementation Report

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  4. D4.13: Limerick Energy Trading Market – Implementation Report

The deliverable D4.13: Limerick Energy Trading Market – Implementation Report was submitted by MPOWER in June 2023. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This deliverable documents the main features of the enerXchangeTM trading platform along with the explanation of the Trading algorithm and Prosumer interface that was developed to control energy/flexibility trading and to manage Local Flexibility Market (LFM).

At the core of the Community Grid concept and establishment of the Local Flexibility Market in Limerick is a Community System Operator (CSO). As described in D2.6:

“A CSO contracts flexibility from end-users within the Community Grid and uses that flexibility to provide disturbance neutrality for the Community Grid.”

For the operation and inclusion of the CSO in the existing energy market share on local level as an equal and acceptable entity it needs appropriate licence. For the project purpose and demonstration, MPOWER took a role of the CSO and obtained Electricity Supply Licence (Appendix A).

This concept for a new entrant was supposed to be examined in the project and the new entity set up through MPower to operate the local energy market on a pilot basis for the duration of the project under supervision of the DSO but no acceptable way was found for the formation of this new entity.

Without a Community System Operator it was not possible to form a Local Energy or Flexibility Market. The necessary regulatory mechanism for the formation of the Local Flexibility Market in Limerick was defined in Deliverable D2.1 and could not be implemented. The reasons for that are explained more in detail in Deliverable D4.12.

No energy trading market or physical trades between prosumers have been achieved during the timeline of the project. All the SLUs currently installed can only meter the energy consumption of the prosumers with no energy assets to control for the moment. In addition, there is no legal mechanism that allows it to be done in Ireland. However, the data collected can be used to simulate the trade that could occur if energy transfer were possible.

The report further presents simulation results which was the first phase in demonstration strategy. The next phase would be laboratory demonstration. After that would come the proof of concept demonstration in which prosumers are meant to be included in the demonstration. When this step would be successfully completed, it would go into production demonstration.

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