The deliverable D4.7: Limerick 2050 Vision, Integrated Action Plan and Digital Guide was submitted by LCCC, FAC and COL with contributions from UL, LCCC, SE, FAC, and IES in November 2022. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:
“This deliverable demonstrates how Limerick City and County Council utilised the Bold City Vision (BCV) Framework in supporting the strategic Limerick Development Plan 2022-2028. It will map and align the processes and initiatives used in preparing the draft plan that was published in July 2021 against the framework. A key outcome of this process is the development of a Roadmap for the decarbonisation of Limerick City by 2050 which will be developed into a coherent action plan utilising the BCV framework as part of Limerick’s Climate Action Plan which will be prepared in 2023.
The Limerick Development Plan 2022 is the first Development Plan to be prepared for the newly created Limerick City and County Council that was created in 2014. This new Authority merged the city and rural area of Limerick. The new authority will also see the election of Ireland’s first directly elected mayor by 2025. The plan is being prepared in accordance with national legislation and in the context of rapidly changing policy in particular in respect to the climate crisis and the post pandemic society that is emerging.
In this regard, Limerick has aligned the BCV framework within the context of the Irish policy hierarchy and legal frameworks that govern the preparation of Development Plans. Section 3 demonstrates how the various processes outlined in the BCV framework were implemented. In particular, it will evaluate existing participation and engagement processes including new and innovative practice being deployed in Limerick. Section 4 outlines the proposed Roadmap to decarbonising Limerick city centre. Section 5 highlights what is required to fully embrace and implement the underlying principles of the BCV framework into a fully integrated planning process that includes implementation, and replication. In particular, the emerging Limerick Decarbonisation Zone Action Plan and the Local Authority’s Climate Action Plan that will be prepared over the course of 2022 and 2023. These strategies will address the requirement to reduce carbon by 51% by 2050 and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
The report will outline a number of key action plans that are to be prepared that will enable and support the creation of a Positive Energy City by 2050, and a framework on how Limerick can develop this capability to address the climate transition, together with local stakeholders.“