The deliverable D5.14: Trondheim project documentation repository including project status reports 4 was submitted by Tronheim Kommune (TK) in December 2022. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:
“This report details and summarises the work that has been performed in the Light House City (LHC) of Trondheim during year 4 within the +CityxChange project. It covers an overall and detailed project status and forthcomings for +Trondheim Work Package 5, status concerning KPIs and impacts, meetings and events organised and attended, activity concerning dissemination and communication, and describes the +Trondheim document and documentation repositories.
In year four of the project, LHC Trondheim implemented hardware, software, and solutions for the deployment of Seamless eMobility scheme, the two Positive Energy Blocks of Brattøra and Sluppen, the Energy Trading Platform and the Local Flexibility Market.
Brattøra recently recorded a positive PEB balance of 230,857 kWh/yr (10 % of the PEB Brattøra total energy demand) and Sluppen 224,880 kWh/yr (5.2 % of the PEB Sluppen total energy demand).
One of the project’s most important achievements was Trondheim receiving full acceptance and permit (28.02.2022) from the national regulatory authority RME for coordination of open energy and flexibility markets at Brattøra and Sluppen. It is running indefinitely, pending TE’s continued participation, and thus allows continuous experimentation and testing.
LHC Trondheim received third place in The European Capital of Innovation Award 2021 in the category “The European Rising Innovative City”. +CityxChange solutions received third place in Smartgrid Centre’s Innovation Award. The Smartgrid Centre is an alliance that interacts with research, innovation and knowledge sharing for the development of a flexible and intelligent electrical energy system. Trondheim Municipality was selected as one of the 100 +12 Cities to participate in the EU Mission for 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030. Trondheim’s application was based on the existing and planned efforts, measures, and strategies around its work on innovation and climate neutrality. It is unambiguous that the results and documentation of the work originating or connected to +CityxChange have influenced and contributed to this.
Trondheim LHC has also developed and delivered its Bold City Vision. To ensure the process that the bold city vision will form the foundation and reference for future city plans and strategies in Trondheim, the work in +CityxChange has been integrated and anchored in Trondheim Kommune’s Planstrategi (the municipal planning strategy).
The five Citizen Observatories, which are part of +CityxChange in LHC Trondheim are all established. The location of the Citizen Observatories serve a purpose beyond the project, expanding the impact and contributing to positive synergies.”