D5.5: Energy Trading Market Demonstration

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The deliverable D5.5: Energy Trading Market Demonstration was submitted by Volue (formerly Powel/POW) and Trønderenergi (TE) with contributions from NTNU, TK, ABB, SV, 4C, MPOWER, and IOTA in January 2021. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable at the end for download:

“This delivery D5.5 in the +CityxChange project describes and details the planning for and deployment of the software solution serving the local energy market which will be demonstrated in Trondheim. The software for market access and trade is developed by Volue (former Powel) and specially customised and innovated to serve the +CityxChange project through the T2.5 task Development of a platform for local trade of energy and flexibility, a work described in the preparatory report D2.7 Local DPEB trading market demonstration tool1. However, for the purpose of setting up a live local energy market, the following building blocks are integrated and included in the solution deployed:

● ABB OPTIMAX® for asset operation.
● Volue Algotrader for market participation.
● Volue Digital Marketplace for market operation.
● IOTA for secure third party data verification to ensure consistency between executed trades and the following settlement.
● TE Operator software for forecasting, flexibility optimization and settlement.

The project’s approach and solutions for establishing local Positive Energy Blocks (PEBs) are more than just obtaining balance between local energy consumption and production. In the
Trondheim demonstration project this is in fact more a matter of optimising available and viable local renewable energy sources in order to scale local PEBs to district level, with a
roadmap for 2050 of obtaining balance between green, local renewable production and optimised utilisation of green energy sources – and energy consumption.

In the demonstration area where the local energy market solution is deployed, a substantial part of the energy available locally is not utilised, and substantial shares of this energy are
available within short time windows only and will be available as a traded product on the local energy market. A scalable and efficient PEB is thus – as Trondheim sees it – dependent
on systems and solutions being able to utilise this flexibility in order to obtain balance between local production/utilisation of renewables and local energy consumption.

The solution is deployed and digitally integrated to become the local energy market system as planned. In addition it is focused on the process of onboarding customers/assets. This
includes training, asset identification and registration – and last, but not least: Agreements between customers and the market operator.

For LHC Trondheim a well functioning local energy and flexibility market developed, owned and operated by energy company Trønderenergi (TE), based on the Volue Energy Trading
Platform (ETP), full integration of all market participants through a Distributed Energy Resource Management System/DERMS (ABB Optimax ®), and secure verification of all
trades through IOTA Tangle, makes up a crucial and integral part of the scalable PEB solution to be deployed.

The Volue ETP, local market solution, and full impact of the market side of the solution is based on open P2P trade of energy resources and products. This is not (yet) allowed today
according to national legislation2 and central parts of the prevailing concession regulations. Further work on the regulatory aspects is described in a separate report D5.9: Playbook of
regulatory recommendations for enabling new energy systems.3 +CityxChange has therefore applied to national regulatory body RME4 for temporary dispensations from national legislation in order to demonstrate the solutions in Trondheim.

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