The deliverable D6.3: Technical feasibility study of the potential PEB replications in each FC was submitted by Energy Agency of Plovdiv Representatives of Municipality of Alba Iulia, City of Pisek, City of Sestao, Municipality of Smolyan, and City of Voru with contributions from ARUP, NTNU, KPMG, and R2M in April 2022. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:
“This report represents the work conducted as part of Task 6.4 “Technical feasibility studies and documentation of potential replication of DPEB solutions”. This aims to operationalise urban development scenarios and couple them with successful smart city solutions through feasibility assessment of pre-defined districts within each Follower City – Alba Iulia (AIM), Pisek (PIS), Sestao (SES), Smolyan (SMO), and Voru (VOR) – and their potential to be showcases of Positive Energy Blocks. The document investigates the existing energy status of the pilot buildings in the Demonstration Areas across the Follower cities which have the best potential to become Positive Energy Blocks. It presents a common report for the prospects for smart city development of each Follower City as well as detailed feasibility study of each potential Positive Energy Block. The document cumulates evidence in favour of the rapid smart city urban development and all administrative, technical, business, financial and social aspects to be taken into account in the process.
The report presents a variety of scenarios for energy consumption and production through different technologies and under various smart city interventions that may alter the energy performance of a potential Positive Energy Block towards positive energy status. It addresses their technical realisation and energy and CO2 impacts and advocates for a holistic view when introducing positive energy blocks, as dedicated urban zones, across the cities. The document also looks into the business interactions and financial applications of such smart city actions and tries to focus on the cost-benefit balance of introducing highly ambitious energy actions to their real-life impact and benefits to all stakeholders. The results of the current investigation have shown that the Positive Energy Block concept applied in reality may be a challenge for the local authorities and needs to be embedded in the broader urban energy planning to have better grounding.
Considering the future steps to be taken for implementation of Positive Energy Blocks in the Follower Cities, a well-orchestrated implementation and financing pipeline needs to be developed and their overall implementation needs to be well-integrated in the urban development strategies and plans. This will ensure the successful realisation and replication of innovative energy solutions and technologies and their positive effect on the quality of life of the local communities.”