D7.13: Reporting to the SCIS System 7

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The deliverable D7.13: Reporting to the SCIS System 7 was submitted by KPMG Future Analytics with contributions from LCCC, MPOWER and TK in January 2023. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

This report, Deliverable 7.13: Reporting to the SCIS System (7), is part of a series of bi-annual reports and is the seventh iteration in the series; being the subsequent revision of the previous version, Deliverable 7.12: Reporting to the SCIS System (6)1 which provided an overview of KPI performance as of Month 36 of the +CityxChange project.

During the reporting period, Work Package (WP) 7 has seen further engagement between all relevant Key Performance Indicator (KPI) owners and KPMG FA towards the refinement of KPI calculations, the resolution of data reporting issues, the pursuit of alignment in KPI data for the purposes of Self-Reporting Tool (SRT) reporting, and the further enhancement of Monitoring and Evaluation Reporting Tool (MERT) features and functionality – as feedback emerges through use.

As with prior periods, it has become necessary for KPI descriptions, scope and calculations to be reviewed and adjusted as and where necessary. This is due to changing circumstances in data availability and adapting to challenges encountered in aligning this data to reporting standards on an ongoing basis. This process has been facilitated within WP7, and is ongoing so that all KPIs can be captured and reported to the MERT and/or the SRT where possible.

The MERT has seen further KPI calculations confirmed by the KPI Owners and data being submitted mainly for the Common Energy Market (CEM) theme. Furthermore, the MERT has undergone a number of updates and refinements to front- and back-end processes. This includes updates to the database structure to improve data collection for additional KPI metadata . Work on the MERT has included adjustment to the visualisation for better representation of the KPI data within the MERT. As of writing of this deliverable, data for 19 KPIs had been submitted to the MERT, with a total of 23 KPIs having monitoring data reported.

Within the reporting period, two KPIs were classified as potentially incompatible for reporting to the SRT given their data issues and two KPIs were deemed theoretically compatible should data come on stream. Other KPIs are still subject to review. This collaborative process continues with KPI owners, however, WP7 may consider assessing the overall viability of aligning with SRT reporting in the next reporting period. A follow up workshop will then be conducted with each of the partners to verify the calculations and translation of data.”

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