The deliverable D7.14: Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 4 was submitted by KPMG FA with contributions from LCCC, UL, MP, SMO, MAI, NTNU and TK in November 2022. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:
“The objective of Task 7.4, Developing Practical Recommendations and Guideline Reports based on +CityxChange (+CxC) Results, is to create practical recommendations and guideline reports which detail, analyse and interpret the aggregated data collected during the M&E process, and deliver technical recommendations related to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), energy, community, mobility, environmental and regulatory interventions implemented in the project. The guidelines and recommendations in this report were produced through a data triangulation process, incorporating qualitative feedback from partners, KPI data generated by the design and execution of +CxC 2 Demonstration Projects (DPs), and by leveraging the knowledge generated through the project (e.g. deliverables, events, storytelling and learning workshops, meeting minutes).
Previous iterations of this deliverable, namely Deliverable 7.5 – Data Collection and Management Guideline Report 1 (D7.5), Deliverable 7.8 – Data Collection and Management Guidelines Report 2 (D7.8) and Deliverable 7.11 – Data Collection and Management Guidelines 4 (D7.11) have focused on developing and detailing the mechanism for conducting qualitative evaluation. This mechanism includes processes to identify and select interventions, classify them into themes and link them to associated evaluation guidelines, record and facilitate feedback collection (e.g. post-activity interviews, feedback form), monitor progress and identify lessons learnt through comprehensive M&E processes including: feedback analysis received from partners, review of associated project documentation, alignment to international best practices (e.g. SCC1 M&E task group). All of the above allow Work Package 7 (WP7) to ensure that a robust and conclusive M&E process is set in place and that actionable guidelines and recommendations are being produced as result.
Deliverable 7.14 – Data Collection and Management Guidelines Report 4 (D7.14) offers an update on the functioning of the Evaluation Framework and provides clear recommendations and guidelines that have been produced in the reporting period between October 2021 and September 2022. Four topics were explored, each offering specific recommendations which are built upon in Section 3. Table 1 provides a brief overview and update of recommendations as established in D7.11.
Table 1: Overview of Recommendations
The deliverable also includes future considerations and upcoming interventions for the next reporting period (October 2022- October 2023).”