D7.15: Reporting to the SCIS System 8

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  4. D7.15: Reporting to the SCIS System 8

The deliverable D7.15: Reporting to the SCIS System 8 was submitted by KOMG FA in June 2023 with contributions from LCCC, MPOWER, TK, R2M, and OV. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This report, Deliverable 7.15: Reporting to the SCIS (8), is part of a series of bi-annual reports and is the eighth iteration in the series; being the subsequent revision of the previous version, Deliverable 7.13: Reporting to the SCIS (7) which provided an overview of KPI performance as of Month 42 of the +CityxChange project.

During the reporting period, Work Package (WP) 7 has finalised KPI calculations, KPI definitions and successfully resolved any remaining data reporting issues for the final year of the project and its Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E). WP7 has also confirmed the method of reporting of KPIs to the Self-Reporting Tool (SRT) and further enhancement of Monitoring and Evaluation Reporting Tool (MERT) features and functionality.

The consolidated descriptions of all KPIs, out of discussions and refinements during the project and their learnings, are added in full to the annex of this document. They will be used for all future reporting.

With the final phase of M&E for demonstrating interventions beginning in November 2022, it was necessary for KPI descriptions, scope and calculations to be reviewed and finalised prior to this deadline. This is due to changing circumstances in data availability and adapting to challenges encountered in aligning this data to reporting standards on an ongoing basis. This process has been facilitated within WP7 prior to this deadline to ensure that all KPIs can be captured and reported to the MERT and the SRT.

The MERT has seen all KPI calculations confirmed by the KPI Owners and data being submitted. Furthermore, the MERT has undergone a number of updates and refinements to front- and back-end processes. This includes updates to visualisations for better representation of the KPI data within MERT and updates to the KPI Target Share numbers. As of writing of this deliverable, data for 29 KPIs had been submitted to the MERT.

Further, WP7 had extensive conversations with SRT developers to discuss compatible ways to bridge the gap between KPI data headers and the Smart Cities Marketplace (SCM) – SRT headers. The SRT developers recommended making use of BEST tables for reporting. This way data from other smart city projects can also be visualised and data across projects will be consistent. WP7 has agreed to shift from individual KPI forms to Positive Energy District (PED) format for each LHCs and FCs as a result of this.

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