D8.2: Report on the identification and assessment of exploitable results

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The deliverable D8.2: Report on the identification and assessment of exploitable results was submitted by R2M with contributions from NTNU and IOTA in November 2022. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This report presents an overview of the exploitable results of the +CityxChange project identified during the first four years of the five-year project. This work has been conducted as part of Work Package 8: Scaling-up, Replication and Exploitation and specifically as part of Task 8.4: Competence analysis, identification and management of exploitable results. The report provides an overview of the strategies and actions needed for adoption and exploitation of results generated by the +CityxChange project. As such, it provides a framework for identifying, developing, and optimising the exploitation of the project results during the project and after its completion.

Twenty-five exploitable results have been identified which are summarised under four categories: 12 Products & Applications, 2 Services, 9 Knowledge & IP and 2 Processes. It is envisioned that 17 of the results will be exploited on a commercial basis and the remaining 8 results will be made available for public or scientific exploitation for free, under appropriate open licences, or similar paths.

For each of the exploitable results, an Exploitable Results (ER) manager has been assigned and two templates have been completed: i) Partner market analysis template and ii) ER template. Together with the SWOT analysis, they form the basis for the exploitation strategy and exploitation activities for the final year of the project. Requirements for IP protection have been identified and appropriate protection mechanisms have been put in place. The levels of maturity vary across the exploitable results and the effectiveness of the results will be validated during the +CityxChange demo projects.

It can be expected that the methods and products developed in +CityxChange will contribute to the adoption of PEDs/PEBs and can be of great benefit for all stakeholders involved. This report forms the basis for the replication and exploitation plans that will be delivered in Month 54.”

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