The deliverable D8.6: Report on commercialisation plans for different solutions and markets was submitted by R2M in September 2023 with contributions from GKinetic, IOTA, TK, 4C, ABB, ANEO, IES, and NTNU. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:
“This report presents the commercialisation plans for selected commercial solutions developed in the +CityxChange project. This work has been conducted as part of Work Package 8: Scaling-up, Replication and Exploitation and specifically as part of Task 8.6 “Commercialisation plans”.
Based on market readiness, maturity of the solution, and having a clear commercial pathway, five products and services have been identified that are most suitable for commercial exploitation at this time. These solutions are listed in the table below.
Commercialisation plans for each of these solutions include descriptions of the exploitation route, business model and value network, IP ownership, and the financial analysis. Not all project solutions are ready for commercialisation in the short term.
It should be highlighted that next to the commercial results, the +CityxChange project has produced some impactful public results that will be exploited or replicated/upscaled after the project ends. Examples are the Bold City Vision, Innovation Lab and ‘How to PED Cookbook’ which all have been adopted by many of the partnering cities and are now part of their daily operations.
The report shows that the methods and products developed in +CityxChange contribute to the adoption of PEDs/PEBs and are of great benefit for all stakeholders involved.”