The deliverable 9.8, Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 3, was submitted by NTNU in May 2020. Following, the executive summary of the deliverable:
+CityxChange actively pursues synergies with other relevant EU platforms and projects, facilitating collaboration and exchanging good practices. Partners will further leverage on their existing commitments in other EU initiatives such as the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP SCC), the EERA Joint Programme on Smart Cities (EERA JPSC), the Urban Europe Research Alliance (UERA) and the Covenant of Mayors (CoM), effectively linking +CityxChange to these EU-wide initiatives. This offers additional possibilities for dissemination and knowledge sharing and exchange.
This report describes the participation and lessons learned by +CityxChange partners in events organised by other SCC01 projects, SET-Plan Action 3.2, EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities, SCIS, EIP SCC, and other European networks during the third six-month period of the project, i.e., M13-18.
The report is Deliverable 9.8 of +CityxChange Task 9.2 “Extra-Project Cooperation with existing LHCs and FCs through clustering events and workshops run by existing SCC01 projects, EIP SCC, SCIS and other EU platforms”, in Work Package 9 “Inter-Project Collaboration and Clustering”. It complements Deliverable D9.7 “Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, Including Study Visits and Peer to Peer Workshops 3”.