The deliverable 9.9, Report on Intra-Project Collaboration Including Study Visits and Peer-to-Peer Workshops 4, was submitted by NTNU in December 2020. Following, the executive summary of the deliverable:
‘This report provides an overview of the study visits, peer-to-peer workshops, and other intra-project learning activities performed by the Lighthouse and Follower Cities and the other partners in +CityxChange, between 1 May 2020 and 31 October 2020 (M19-24). These activities form part of Work Package 9 “Inter-Project Collaboration and Clustering”, Task 9.1 “Intra-Project Lighthouse and Follower City Cooperation”. They are designed to address the needs of the participating cities and solution providers in an effective manner, to better align goals and priorities, to promote cross-cultural communication, understanding and collaboration between the partners, and to speed up the learning process and iteration of results across the entire value chain.
As support to deliver better study visits and peer-to-peer workshops, the deliverable also describes ex-ante/ex-post evaluation of cross-cutting issues within clean energy, open innovation, gender, socio-economic science and humanities to increase impact and deliver practical recommendations to partners and beyond. This report (D9.9) is complemented by D9.10: Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 4. Some general content is repeated from the previous D9.7: Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 3.‘