D10.1 Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results

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  4. D10.1 Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results

The deliverable 10.1 was submitted by ISOCARP and provides the framework for dissemination and exploitation activities of the +CityxChange project. It is revised annually.

It is composed of the outline of the communication goals, the context in which the goals have to be implemented, the formulation of a strategy and a detailed plan, the organisation, tasks and roles, and the means or delivery channels. The target audiences of the communication have been divided into two clusters: 1) Local audiences and stakeholders in the +CityxChange cities, and 2) the broader community of practice, research, and governance.

Based on the goals and the context a strategy is formulated which includes three elements: 1) A gearbox for embedment into a wider community of practice, 2) local involvement, and 3) the KPI dashboard. The goal of the communication activities change over the course of the project: first to inform, then to engage to collect and validate, then knowledge transfer and finally dissemination of result. A wide scope of means will be used as the delivery method. The means are integrated across multiple work packages to support and reinforce the project and maximize the impact of its outcomes.

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