The deliverable 10.5, List of targeted Media and Partnerships, was submitted by ISOCARP in April 2019 and contains the description and list of targeted media (channels) and partnerships. Following, the executive summary of the deliverable:
“This deliverable identifies the target audiences, media channels and media partnerships. The objective of WP10 is marketing and communication of the project at the local/regional level and broad dissemination of the project outcomes across Europe. Furthermore, the activities related to dissemination, marketing and exploitation are described.
By using appropriate media and tools in each city and for each target audience, project results are shared and promoted through adapted dissemination activities. An analysis of media channels and how to reach them are described in section 3.
Chapter 05 contains an excerpt of the working document in the internal project environment which lists targeted media channels and partnerships at the international and local level. The list will be reviewed and updated constantly by the task lead in collaboration with all project partners.