D10.7: Press kits about the project for each city

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  4. D10.7: Press kits about the project for each city

The deliverable 10.7, Press kits about the project for each city, was submitted by ISOCARP in October 2019. Following, the executive summary of the deliverable:

“Press kits are an important component of WP10 whose main objective is the effective communication and dissemination of the +CityxChange project across stakeholders and the general public. Therefore, a wide range of dissemination tools and materials has been produced during the first year of our project. This document describes the context of deliverable 10.7: Press-kits about the project for each city. The process of this deliverable is led by ISOCARP, building upon dissemination materials and news provided by all project partners, and highly relies on the widespread participation of Lighthouse Cities (LHCs) and Follower Cities (FC) and support from the Coordinator (NTNU).

Deliverable 10.7 contains press kits for +CityxChange partners that include: 1) a compilation of Year 1 results, particularly for LHCs/FCs, including upcoming events, results and milestones and 2) summaries of press releases, website/social media activities, project flyers, and workshop results (connected to Task 10.1 and 10.3). It follows up on Deliverables D10.1 Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results, D10.3 Project website and social media and D10.4 Project leaflet in local languages.

The +CityxChange press kit, also known as a media kit, is integrated into the project website as a separate subsection (Press Corner), with the main objective to make resources and information available for all interested parties, may they be reporters, publishers, someone with a personal blog or podcast or those interested in sharing our story in an online community. An overview of the principal elements that are used to facilitate the press interaction with the project has been added in the last section of this document.”

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