The deliverable 9.3, Report on Attendance at Events Held By Other SCC01 Coordinators, was submitted by NTNU in April 2019. Following, the executive summary of the deliverable:
“This report describes the participation and lessons learned by +CityxChange partners in events organised by other SCC01 projects, SET-Plan Action 3.2, EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities, SCIS, EIP SCC, and other European networks during the first six months of the project.
The report is Deliverable 9.3 of +CityxChange Task 9.2 “Extra-Project Cooperation with existing LHCs and FCs through clustering events and workshops run by existing SCC01 projects, EIP SCC, SCIS and other EU platforms”, in Work Package 9 “Inter-Project Collaboration and Clustering”. It complements Deliverable D9.2 “Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, Including Study Visits and Peer to Peer Workshops”.“