Trondheim’s many successes are directly linked to sustainable value creation through public/private partnerships. One of the municipality’s current initiatives is to promote shared mobility and green restructuring through local car-sharing. Trondheim Kommune, together with one of the largest grocery store chains in Norway, REMA 1000 i Norge, and three car-sharing companies including ABG/Zipcar, Otto fra Bertel O. Steen and Hyre are now testing car-sharing at four grocery stores around Trondheim, in an effort to ensure that car share vehicles best meet the needs of users. With a total of 12 shared cars, the cars will be made available through the FourC +CxC developed Mobee app.
This project is one of several of what we call “sprints” on mobility; meaning shorter projects and field testing of shared mobility initiatives. In our experience, business companies are easier to onboard for projects and testing of new concepts and solutions if we define projects of restricted duration, e.g., 6 months, as in this case. This is followed by a period of evaluation, allowing TK to scale up and commercialise initiatives if they have the potential to be successful and generate revenue for the involved actors.
As a project, we love to see these kinds of on-the-ground public/private partnerships in action!