Author: Taliah Dommerholt

D9.26: Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 10

The deliverable D9.26: Report on attendance at events held by other SCC-01 co-ordinators 10 was submitted by NTNU in November 2023 with contributions from R2M and all other beneficiaries. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“+Cityxchange collaborates with other EU platforms, projects and initiatives to facilitate and exchange good practices. This report provides an overview of of the participation of +CityxChange and partners in events organised by Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse (SSC) projects, their Board of Coordinators and Task Groups, the Scalable Cities secretariat, the Smart Cities Marketplace (SCM), the EU Cities Mission, the NetZeroCities Platform, New European Bauhaus, and the EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities from May 2023 to October 2023 (M55-M60).

This report is part of Work Package 9 “Inter-Project Collaboration and Clustering” connected to +CityxChange task 9.2 on Extra-Project Cooperation through other SCC01 projects and EU platforms, in Work Package 9 “Inter-Project Collaboration and Clustering”. This report compliments Deliverable D9.23 “Report on Intra-Project Collaboration Including Study Visits and Peer to Peer Workshops 9”.”

D11.14: Risk Mitigation Registry 5

The deliverable D11.14: Risk Mitigation Registry 5 was submitted by NTNU with contributions from all beneficiaries in November 2023. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This deliverable contains the +CityxChange risk management process and the final review and update of the risk tables. It defines detailed risk management and review processes and sets expectations, procedures, and responsibilities. It presents an extended version of the risk tables, updated with the state at the end of the project with new risks based on lessons learned, and defines more detailed criteria for each identified risk, completing the operational risk management and tracking. This report is the updated version of D11.12: Risk Mitigation Registry 4 and supersedes that document. Specific changes from the previous document are highlighted in the Introduction and as lessons learned.”

D11.15 Data Management Plan 6

The deliverable D11.15 Data Management Plan 6 was submitted by NTNU in November 2023 with contributions from all beneficiaries. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This deliverable constitutes the final version of the Data Management Plan for the +CityxChange project. It specifies Data Governance and handling of data in the project, types of data expected to be generated in the project, and if and how it will be made open and accessible for verification and re-use. It will also specify curation and preservation, with details such as ethical, privacy, and security issues.

All beneficiaries are informed of the applicable regulations around human participation, informed consent, data processing, data security, and the pertinent regulations such as GDPR or H2020 Ethics or FAIR guidelines. When personal data collection or processing is started, the DMP information will be updated accordingly to include updated data summaries, consent forms, compliance, and institutional approval where necessary. Processing of personal data will respect the Data Protection Principles. This document provides an overview of data handling in the project and provides the initial guidelines for the project. The project will support openness according to the EU FAIR approach and the principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary” together with the project ambition of “Open by Default”.

This document is an update of D11.5: Data Management Plan – Initial Version, D11.7 Data Management Plan 2, D11.16 Data Management Plan 3, D11.10 Data Management Plan 4, D11.13 Data Management Plan 5 and supersedes those documents. Changes to previous versions are detailed in the introduction section.

D7.17: Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 5

The deliverable D7.17: Data Collection and Management Guideline Reports 5 was submitted by KPMG FA in November 2023 with contributions from LCCC, SMO, MAI, Võru, and GKinetic. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“The objective of Task 7.4, Developing Practical Recommendations and Guideline Reports based on +CityxChange (+CxC) Results, is to create practical recommendations and guideline reports which detail, analyse and interpret the aggregated data collected during the Monitoring and & Evaluation (M&E) process, and deliver technical recommendations related to the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), energy, community,  mobility, environmental and regulatory interventions implemented in the project. The guidelines and recommendations in this report were produced through a data triangulation process, incorporating qualitative feedback from partners, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) data generated by the design and execution of +CxC Demonstration 1 Projects (DPs), and by leveraging the knowledge generated through the project.

Previous iterations of this deliverable, namely Deliverable 7.5 – Data Collection and Management Guideline Report 1 (D7.5)2, Deliverable 7.8 – Data Collection and Management Guidelines Report 2 (D7.8)3, Deliverable 7.11 – Data Collection and Management Guidelines 3 (D7.11)4 and Deliverable 7.14 – Data Collection and Management Guidelines 4 (D7.145) have focused on developing and detailing the mechanism for conducting qualitative evaluation, and implementing the Evaluation Framework developed in D7.8. This mechanism includes processes to identify and select interventions, classify them into topics and link them to associated evaluation guidelines, record and facilitate feedback collection (e.g. post-activity interviews, feedback form), monitor progress of interventions and identify lessons learnt through the M&E processes including: feedback analysis received from partners and review of associated project documentation. The point of this mechanism is to provide the cities and the partners of the project a robust M&E process which can help identify problems, explore solutions in a collaborative session, compare lessons and experiences across different contexts and improve the decision-making in future and progressions of the work. The diversity of experiences across the project means that there are multiple interpretations and our approach to this is to ensure that all voices are heard and included in the approach.

Deliverable 7.17 – Data Collection and Management Guidelines Report 5 (D7.17) offers an update on the functioning of the Evaluation Framework and provides recommendations and guidelines that have been produced in the reporting period between November 2022 and October 2023

D5.15: Trondheim project documentation repository including project status reports 5

The deliverable D5.15: Trondheim project documentation repository including project status reports 5 was submitted by TK and NTNU in October 2023. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This report summarises the work performed in the Lighthouse City (LHC) of Trondheim during the fifth (last) year of the +CityxChange project. It summarises the Trondheim project and key accomplishments over the project period as a whole. Based on results and experiences from the project period, key findings are identified on how cities may drive innovation and demonstrations that promote the energy transition – aiding and contributing to help solve the energy and climate crisis.

During the project period, several innovations crossing traditional domain silos and skills have been developed, addressed, and tested in an operational environment and under realistic conditions. Fundamental for the project scope has been to agree about rather detailed understandings of post energy transition solutions in cities. This includes well functioning positive energy blocks/districts (PEBs/PEDs), available technology, and digitalisation at a level that makes energy assets and related data possible to manage and operate as systems. Within such preconditions it is discussed how energy regulatory framework should be made future proof and act as an enabler for the transition.

The solutions are characterised by the fact that all available energy resources (consumers and producers) are defined as assets with digital inputs/outputs for monitoring and operation including dispatch signals. The coordination of the assets is executed based on priorities and market preferences regarding price and time for each asset. This is made possible by acceptance from the Norwegian Energy Regulator (RME) for demonstrations within the project scope.

The overall goal for the +CityxChange project in the Lighthouse City (LHC) of Trondheim was to establish two scalable Positive Energy Districts (PEDs). Through its operational phase, the PEDs were to undergo analyses in terms of scalability and replicability, and identification of how the PEDs can be further scaled/replicated.

With Trondheim municipality as a facilitator, project leader, and coordinator the following achievements have been made:

  • A full launch of 2 operational and scalable PEDs comprising 71,000 m² of commercial buildings and involving 4 GWh/yr of existing and new RES
  • What is needed for both short term and long term scaling as well as replication
  • Development and testing of a new energy trading platform specially designed for PEDs and local energy markets
  • Development and deployment of a novel solution for local energy markets in 2 PEDs
  • Establishment of 2 special energy regulatory districts in the PED areas
  • Deployment of an eMaaS scheme with EV batteries integrated with the PED ecosystem through V2G charging
  • Establishment/Anchoring of the Bold City Vision Trondheim Energy Positive City 2050
  • Development and verification of a variety of investment and business models
  • Six citizen observatories and 11 innovation labs established; testing 13 lab solutions

Main achievements for the two PEDs of Brattøra and Sluppen show that a combination of reduced energy demand, extensive utilisation of renewables, and local energy markets are keys to succeeding with the energy transition:

A main lesson learned is that upscaling and replication from Energy Blocks to Positive Energy Blocks (PEBs), to Positive Energy Districts (PEDs), and then to city level, is possible through using the Bold City Vision and the BCV framework. This report summarises the different elements which are crucial in order to succeed with the sustainable energy transition.

D10.14: 9 Climathons and Hackathons

The deliverable D10.14: 9 Climathons and Hackathons was submitted by Space Engineers, Trondheim Kommune, Võru, Písek, Smolyan, Sestao, Alba Iulia, and Limerick City and County Council in October 2023. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“One of the core objectives of the +CityxChange project is communication at local and regional level to provide for the dissemination of project outcomes across Europe (WP10) and co-creation with local citizens (WP3 and linked with engagement and CommunityxChange activities in all cities). As part of this endeavour, ten Climathon events have been held as part of the project, from 2019 to 2022. These include two events in each of the Lighthouse Cities of Limerick and Trondheim (2019 and 2020), two in the Follower City of Pisek (2020 and 2021), and one in each of the other Follower Cities of Alba Iulia, Sestao, Smolyan, and Võru (2020, 2021, and 2022). This report delineates the activity of these Climathons and assesses the findings from these ten events. The shared preparation and co-creation of the five 2020 +CityxChange Climathons is treated with some particular focus in this Report, given the opportunities it offered for close cooperation between project cities and for comparative analysis of these events.

Climathons are part of the engagement agenda of the +CityxChange project, along with Innovation Playground activities, City Engage weeks, and Positive Energy Champion Campaigns (WP4.2/4.3/4.5). They are part of the engagement framework of the project, which draws on Deliverables including D3.2 Delivery of the Citizen Participation Playbook, D3.3 Framework for Innovation Playgrounds, and D3.5 Framework for a Positive Energy Champion Network. Unlike these other activities, Climathon is a pre-existing event format which pre-dates the project and has been operating in cities around the globe since 2015.

This report delineates the activities of the ten +CityxChange Climathons. It provides context on the background to Climathon as organised by Climate-KIC, the EU’s main climate innovation initiative and gives a resume of the different Climathon events hosted by each city over the course of the project. The report considers the position of Climathons within the engagement remit of the +CityxChange project across different cities, and suggests that the collaborative nature of Climathons, both within city teams and with local citizens, has a unique place within the work of +CityxChange.

The Legacy of +CityxChange

Over five years ago, we came together to embark on a journey to develop and build Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) in smart sustainable cities and communities.

Coordinated by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the smart city project involved two Lighthouse Cities, Trondheim (Norway) and Limerick (Ireland), and 5 Follower Cities, Alba Iulia (Romania), Písek (Czech Republic), Sestao (Spain), Smolyan (Bulgaria), and Võru (Estonia), as well as technical partners from around Europe. The long-term goal of +CityxChange was to create sustainable urban ecosystems with zero emissions and achieve 100% renewable energy city-regions by 2050.

During the last years we celebrated countless achievements, the results of a radical, shared commitment to the just energy transition. We engaged with citizens through innovation labs and creative outreach programmes, embedded Bold City Visions in local urban agendas, introduced eMobility as a Service schemes, completed feasibility studies and action plans, spurred regulatory changes, installed a river turbine, launched operational PEDs, developed local flexibility markets—the list goes on. Along the way we also shared meals across the continent, exchanging experiences and lessons learned, and forming lasting friendships. 

To celebrate our achievements and share our experiences, we recently held a Final Conference in Trondheim. The enthusiasm and expertise shared during the event were truly remarkable and we are very thankful to be part of such an inspiring community!

Today marks the end of this journey, but of course, our efforts don’t stop here. Our cities continue in their pursuits of climate neutrality and we will each carry forward the knowledge and experiences gained throughout this project. 

Before we go, we’d like to leave you with some final resources:

Thank you to everyone who made this project happen. 

Here’s to a positive future! 

D6.4: Report on Investment Pipelines and Novel Business Models for FCs

The deliverable D6.4: Report on Investment Pipelines and Novel Business Models for FCs was submitted by Officinae Verdi (OV) with contributions from Sestao, Smolyan, Písek, Võru, and Alba Iulia in October 2023. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This report presents the outcomes and results from the work on sustainable investments, their bankability and potential funding sources performed within the +CityxChange project with the follower cities Alba Iulia, Písek, Sestao, Smolyan, and Võru.

The project has focused on supporting these five cities in setting up investment pipelines and replicating the implementation of novel business and investment models for the establishment of Positive Energy Blocks/Positive Energy Districts (PEBs/PEDs) that have been developed for and with the Lighthouse cities of Trondheim and Limerick and previously preliminarily assessed in Feasibility Studies.

The work comprises the outcome of a long and complex dialogue with the mentioned cities, in order to better understand the interventions already defined within the Feasibility Studies and give them a chance to be concretely implemented by way of checking their bankability, defining innovative business models and potential funding sources. Innovative business models and funding sources have been shared with the cities and assessed against their potential to be implemented in their contexts. Financial and economic analyses have been performed, based on costs and revenues, capex and opex, payback times. We started from the experiences carried out in the Lighthouse models and where possible they have been applied through adaptation to local conditions in cooperation with the cities operating in the PEB (eg. in Smolyan, the Tool for bankability of building renovation investment -developed for Limerick city- has been used). In some cases, radically new solutions that had not been already assessed in the framework of the feasibility studies have been developed, as they emerged during the discussion with the cities, for actual implementation.

At this aim, we can mention the definition of a framework for a Revolving Fund to be established in Estonia and to be proposed by Võru Municipality to national entities. In the case of Sestao, the report describes the experience with the EU financing facility European Energy Efficiency Fund in the framework of which innovative solutions will be developed.

The assessment of the sustainability of each investment is described according to the main player and beneficiary, i.e. the city government. The foreseen PEBs are in fact all of a public nature due to the limited current possibility to actually take advantage of self consumption, energy trading, energy communities, etc. because of legal barriers. Such a situation has finally redefined the foreseen vision and related interventions for each PEB, limiting them involvement of stakeholders and the ability to deploy innovative business models and financing schemes.

The following models have been developed and applied: PV, battery storage, local grid, revolving fund, European Energy Efficiency Facility, building renovation. All the models represent interventions that make up the seeds for the deployment of PEBs/PEDs in the future.

The main conclusions from the elaborated business cases are:

  • FCs are following a step by step approach which foresees a gradual PEB deployment. This process if on the one side makes the whole transformation path simpler and more easy to finance, on the other side it may not allow to take full advantage of cross benefits (eg. connecting energy efficiency and renewable sources interventions).
  • As it happened in LHC, in most of the FCs innovation has faced legal and governance barriers, in terms of regulation (legal entities like the REC and financial schemes like EPC not approved yet) but also in terms of technical innovation.
  • LHC experiences have been very inspiring for FCs for future PEB developments when more complex interventions might be possible
  • Citizens from different countries have their own approach and “values” which affect decisions upon energy technologies to install or buy. Culture influences citizens’ and public administration decisions. Some cultures are more oriented to value collectivism (Smolyan and Võru for example) they look at peer-to-peer solutions instead of purchasing a product, for example a RES system at home.
  • An important result is that key interventions can be carried out without incentives: the identified (and prioritised) financial solutions for the selected interventions have been designed so as to generate positive payback periods (SPP) and Return On Investment (ROI) even without incentives. Therefore funding sources, even if always advisable, are not strictly necessary. On the other hand, the current years (from 2023 and up to 2027), are offering many opportunities in terms of EU and national funds and non refundable money managed through ERDF or RRF which are expected to be applied for.

All the elaborated business models present a step by step approach, with simpler, mature, safer and limited positive investments that can be brought forward in the short term. They can be used as basis for application to public grants as well as with more complex investments and financial cases which need legislative changes or further work to find larger funds, technical design or also the engagement of stakeholders. In this sense the proposed business models can be defined as fully sustainable and “durable” in time.”


D10.11: Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results 5

The deliverable D10.11: Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results 5 was submitted by ISOCARP in October 2023 with contributions from NTNU and FAC. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This document is the yearly update of the Communications, Development & Exploitation (CDE) plan at the state of October 2022. It is a revised version of D10.9: Plan for dissemination and exploitation of +CityxChange project results 41, and its previous versions D10.12, D10.63, and D10.84 which provide the framework for dissemination and exploitation activities of the +CityxChange project (connected to Task 10.1: Communication and Dissemination Management). This document is revised annually and supersedes the previous version. It is composed of:

  1. The outline of the communication goals;
  2. The context in which the goals have to be implemented;
  3. The formulation of a strategy and a detailed plan;
  4. The means or delivery channels.

The deliverable provides the final updated overall plan, an overview of the communication activities of the last year, the achieved outreach through different channels, and a compilation of the preparatory internal and external activities which aim at supporting the further process of communicating and disseminating the project and its progress and outcomes. The purpose of this version is to conclude the CDE dimensions of the project, sharing the final analyses and activities.

D9.25 : Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 10

The deliverable D9.25 : Report on Intra-Project Collaboration, including study visits and peer-to-peer workshops 10 was submitted by NTNU in November 2023 with contributions from TK, SMO, R2M, MAI, and MP. The executive summary of the deliverable is available below and the full deliverable is at the end for download:

“This report provides an overview of the study visits, peer-to-peer workshops, and other intra-project learning activities performed by the Lighthouse and Fellow Cities and the other partners in +CityxChange, between 1 May 2023 and 30 October 2023 (M55-60). During the months 55-60, cities participated in events and meetings to celebrate and share the accomplishments of their efforts and discuss challenges. In addition, Learning Sessions were prepared and performed in the remaining 3 Fellow Cities to complete a series across all of them, contributing to the learning process and knowledge sharing of the project. The completion of +CityxChange was celebrated and project results were shared at the Final Conference in Trondheim.