D10.3 Project website and social media

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The deliverable 10.3, Project website and social media, was submitted by ISOCARP in April 2019 and contains the concept and structure of the project website and social media. Following, the executive summary of the deliverable:

“The project website of +CityxChange is the central tool for general dissemination of the project. It was extended from the initial status of the proposal stage to incorporate further information, more detailed structure, and the different project elements and to provide comprehensive and user-friendly information and knowledge sharing platform. The updated website will be constantly adapted and expanded throughout the project. Furthermore, a concept for the use of social media is developed, centred around the project Twitter account: +CityxChange (@plusCities).

The website development and upkeep is located in WP10 Communication and Dissemination and is directly linked to Task 10.2. The process is led by ISOCARP, building upon the information and news provided by all project partners. The use of social media is a project-wide activity which is also led by ISOCARP but highly relies on the widespread participation among the partners.

This deliverable provides an overview of the goal and target groups of the website, the content structure, as well as the already implemented and planned elements which will be added to the website when they are formally launched. While the primary framework of the website shall remain consistent over the course of the project, it shall not be understood as a static product but instead as one which is flexible and evolves and adapts over time through new additions and alterations based on the overall project development. Furthermore, the concept and target groups for social media are further elaborated.

Simultaneously to this description, a guideline is produced and shared with all partners which specifies the procedures to submit information and share news through the different channels, as well as how to submit and track attended events, both internally and public on the website.”

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