Tag: Energy Trading

Deployment of the Volue Energy Trading Platform

Excited to share the news on the deployment of the Volue energy trading platform specially designed for local markets!

Trondheim ICT company and +CityxChange partner Volue have developed and now deployed an innovative trading solution for energy, capacity, and system services. The +CxC project’s approach and solutions for establishing local Positive Energy Blocks (PEBs) are more than just obtaining a balance between local energy consumption and production.

In the Trondheim kommune demonstration project, this is in fact more a matter of optimizing available and viable local renewable energy sources in order to scale local PEBs to the district level, with a roadmap for 2050 of obtaining balance between green, local renewable production and optimized utilization of green energy sources – and energy consumption. As such, a viable energy trading platform is highly important in order to obtain PEBs.

 Interested in this tool and its application⁉️ You can find more information on our knowledge-base where you can access the public deliverable on Energy Trading Market Demonstration